Welkom bij de Nederlandse Entomologie Vereniging

Contents - Proceedings of the Netherlands Entomological Society Meeting 26

The complete volume (p. 1-89 )

Bruijn, L.L.M. de, M.E. Wunderink, G. Solomon & M.J. Sommeijer 2015.
Flexible morphology and task allocation in workers of the stingless bee Frieseomellita paupera (Hymenoptera, Meliponinae) (p. 9-19 )

Wijngaard, W. 2015.
Modelling butterfly circling behaviour (p. 21-32 )

Ibaņez-Justicia, A., M. Dik, W. Den Hartog, R. Van Den Biggelaar & A. Stroo 2015.
2014 Aedes j. japonicus mosquito surveillance in the province of Flevoland, The Netherlands (p. 33-42 )

Courbois, M.J., E.M. Veenendaal & M.F. Wallis De Vries 2015.
Which species should we count? Improving an indicator species approach for biodiversity conservation in wet heathlands (p. 43-68 )

All abstracts (p. 73-89 )
