Catalogue of the Coleoptera of the Netherlands
(in het Nederlands)The Catalogue of the Coleoptera of the Netherlands gives a comprehensive review of the coleopteran fauna of the Netherlands. Up to 31 December 2007 a total number of 4163 species have been recorded as indigenous, representing 1236 genera and 96 families. Of all species the occurrence in each of the twelve Dutch provinces is given. Tow time periods are recognized: before 1967 and the period 1967-2007. The large majority of records is baed on the study of collection material.
Limburg is the most speciose province with 3569 species, followed by Gelderland (3212) and Noord-Brabant (2990). The smallest number of species is recorded from the provinces of Flevoland (1005) and Groningen (1647). 516 Species are recorded from a single province only, of which 340 from the province of Limburg.
A considerable number of 475 species (11% of the fauna) has not been observed since 1966. These species are listed together with the year they were last recorded from. Another list enumerates all non-indigenous species recorded from the Netherlands: non-established introductions and accidental migrants. All faunistic changes since the publication of the previous catalogue (Brakman, 1966) are accompanied by references to the relevant literature.
Introductory chapters treat the methods followed when compiling the catalogue, as well as a brief history of Dutch coleopterology.
Furthermore, an extensive review of deceased Dutch coleopterists and a list of public beetle collections in the Netherlands is presented.
The Catalogue of the Coleoptera of the Netherlands can be ordered as follows:
for members: By transferring € 30 (25 + 5 shipping-costs) to bank account IBAN NL93 INGB 0000 1163 95, BIC INGBNL2A
of the Dutch Entomological Society, Amsterdam, quoting your membership number.
The Brakman-catalogue, which precedes the new catalogue, can be ordered simultaneously for just € 5 extra. The total amount to transfer will then be € 35.
Do not forget to add your membership number on your payment.
for non-members: The price for non-members is € 35 plus € 7 shipping-costs. Simultaneous delivery of the Brakman-catalogue is possible for just € 5.
These prices are excl. 6% VAT.
You can place your order directly at the NEV or through local bookstores.