Welkom bij de Nederlandse Entomologie Vereniging

Inhoud Entomologische Berichten 76-3

Jong, R. de 2016.
Column - Waardevermeerdering (?) (p. 85 )

Noordijk, J. 2016.
Leefwijze van Tapinoma nigerrimum (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), een nieuwe exotische mier in Nederland (p. 86-93 )

Jong, R. de 2016.
A tribute to Jules Pierre Rambur (1801-1870) (p. 94-98 )

Ulenberg, S.A. 2016.
In memoriam Theo Gijswijt, 10 november 1927 - 27 mei 2015 (p. 99-102 )

Vierbergen, G. & A.J.M. Loomans 2016.
Thrips setosus (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), the Japanese flower thrips, in cultivation of Hydrangea in the Netherlands (p. 103-108 )

Plaisier, K. & M. Dicke 2016.
Korte mededelingen - Ruud Vis (1941-2016), onvergetelijk (p. 109 )

As, B. van 2016.
Korte mededelingen - Hypena obsitalis, een nieuwe snuituil in Nederland (Lepidoptera) (p. 109-110 )

Beenen, R. 2016.
Uitgelezen - Les Pachybrachis de France (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Cryptocephalinae) (p. 111 )

Bos, F. 2016.
Uitgelezen - Verspeidingsatlas van de Belgische Miridae (Insecta: Heteroptera) (p. 111-112 )

Kooi, R.E. 2016.
Uitgelezen - Het veen, de vlinder en de openbaring (p. 112-113 )

Vierbergen, G. 2016.
Uitgelezen - Anatomy and fine structure of Brevipalpus mites (Tenuipalpidae) – economically important plant-virus vectors (p. 113-114 )

Glas, J. 2016.
Promotie - Consequences of russet mite-induced tomato defenses for community interactions (p. 114-115 )

Wybouw, N. 2016.
Promotie - The role of horizontally transferred genes in the xenobiotic adaptations of the spider mite Tetranychus urticae (p. 115 )

Hänniger, S. 2016.
Promotie - Chasing sympatric speciation – The relative importance and genetic basis of prezygotic isolation barriers in diverging populations of Spodoptera frugiperda (p. 115-116 )

Demaeght, P. 2016.
Promotie - A genomic approach to investigate resistance mechanisms in the twospotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae (p. 116-117 )

Menger, D. 2016.
Promotie - Push-pull tactics to disrupt the host-seeking behaviour of malaria mosquitoes (p. 118 )

Broekhoven, S. van 2016.
Promotie - Quality and safety aspects of mealworms as human food (p. 118-119 )

Staudacher, H. 2016.
Promotie - Of moths, mites and microbes – The role of bacteria in the life history of two arthropod herbivores (p. 119-120 )
