Welkom bij de Nederlandse Entomologie Vereniging

Inhoud Entomologische Berichten 76-1

Huisman, H. 2016.
Column - Een kleine elegie voor de studie biologie (p. 1 )

Noordijk, J., S. Ulenberg, C.J. Zwakhals, Th. Heijerman & B. Luske 2016.
Parasitaire wespen van graanhaantjes (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Oulema) (p. 2-10 )

Ciliberti, P. & R. Meiswinkel 2016.
Culicoides poperinghensis, a new species of biting midge for the Netherlands (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) (p. 11-14 )

Moonen, J.J.M. 2016.
Notes on Pachliopta species in South East Asia (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) (p. 15-20 )

Ellis, W.N. 2016.
What is going on with the silver Y, Autographa gamma? (p. 21-27 )

Itterbeeck, J. Van 2016.
Uitgelezen - Journal of Insects as Food and Feed (p. 28 )

Noordijk, J. 2016.
Uitgelezen - Het Kempen˜Broek, op de grens van mens, natuur en landschap (p. 28-29 )

Nederlof, L.-J. 2016.
Uitgelezen - Pests in N.W. European greenhouses, an illustrated overview of species with special reference to homopteran pests (p. 29-30 )

Paschalidou, F. 2016.
Promotie - Getting prepared for future attack, induction of plant defences by herbivore egg deposition and consequences for the insect community (p. 30-31 )

Zhu, F. 2016.
Promotie - Host location by hyperparasitoids: an ecogenomic approach (p. 31-32 )

Fros, J. 2016.
Promotie - Emerging mosquito-borne viruses: transmission and modulation of host defence (p. 32-34 )

Gutiérrez, J.A. 2016.
Promotie - Biodiversity responses to climate and land-use change: a historical perspective (p. 34-35 )

Oosten, A.R. van 2016.
Promotie - Adaptations to an endophilic lifestyle in the tree-hole tick (p. 35 )

Lammers, M. 2016.
Verenigingsnieuws - Kort verslag 27e Entomologendag (p. 36 )
